- Windows 7 ultimate 512mb ram free
- Windows 7 ultimate 512mb ram free Looking for: - Windows 7 ultimate 512mb ram free Click here to DOWNLOAD How well does Windows 7 handle MB? | ZDNet. I received two DVDs, one 64 bit which did not respond with message of incompatibility. After I inserted 32 bit DVD the second one, immediately my computer responded with copying of temporary set up file. When I clicked it came back to iniitial screen. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. It sounds like you have an old PC, that amount of ram is barely enough to run winxp, meaningfully. Running the upgrade advisor is good advice. As far as how old the PC is can be misleading as some late models were still being sold with a bare minimum of memory with Windows XP installed. It is odd that you would have such an "odd" amount of ram. In your case, judging from the specs you've shown, you have a problem. Memory comes in increments of mb, mb, mb, mb, mb, and Even if you had two stic...